This article today is driven by my readings in the Westminster shorter catechism. I was reading the second question that is posed which states: What rule has God given to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him forever? and the answer to this question is this: The word of God which is contained in the scriptures of the old and new testaments, is the only rule to direct on us how we may glorify God and enjoy him forever.
This was for me a reminder of how the Lord does not wish to keep his children in the dark about who he is and the might of his glory. We have been given 66 books of the bible which explain of his love for his creation, even when his creation has not loved him in return. As I have read the scriptures I have learned more of myself and my sin, and my hopelessness without Jesus Christ my savior. who is my comforter and my sustainer when I am weak.
I love how in 2 Timothy 3:16 we see that all scripture is God breathed and profitable for doctrine, reproof and teaching, for instruction in righteousness. Again God calling out to his children and explaining why we have been giving these scriptures.
So my challenge to you Christian is that you take up the bible and read and be feed on the milk and meat of the scriptures that you may not become spiritually anorexic, and in need of nourishment. As Gods children will find refuge in the word of God and in nothing else. For we serve a faithful father who cares for us and he has not left us here to blindly fumble around in the darkness of this world, Just as he provided a column of smoke by day and pillar of fire by night for his chosen people Israel in the Old testament he has provided his chosen people of the new covenant with his scriptures that lead us to Jesus Christ.
So next time you find your soul weary and tired of the trials and challenges of this life open the word of life and drink deeply in the promises and warnings of our heavenly Father and rest in his word.
May God Deeply bless
Brian Kingston
This blog is about the wanderings of everyday life for a family as they wonder at their Savior's grace, love, and blessings.
11 September 2013
23 August 2013
Letting the Lion out of Cage- God Is Good
Today we are going to a look at the Nahum where the prophet is taking us through God's wrath toward the city of Nineveh. Then in verse 7 Nahum says " The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him." I have read this and reread this it blows me away in the midst of telling the people of Nineveh of the coming wrath he takes the time to give a call to those who hear him to repent and take refuge in the almighty. This speaks to God's faithfulness and goodness to his people, which should lead us to worship.
The other side of this is that he is faithful in carrying out the judgment of his wrath on his adversaries, which should also lead us to worship for it shows us he is a just God.
So for us as readers of this text as believers this should lead us to repentance and worship of our God. we need to understand that Christ is the refuge of God, our belief in and relationship with Christ is difference between us and non-believers. when we are in Christ's Righteousness is what frees us from the wrath of God.
For the non-believers it should also lead to repentance for apart from Christ he is exposed to the wrath of God which leads to destruction. The same faithfulness he has to his children he has the same faithfulness in carrying out his judgment on his adversaries. It is important that we define who his adversaries are, they are anyone who does not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ which exposes them to the wrath of God.
So for me this text leads me to repentance, and worship of my Good, Faithful, Just King My Lord Jesus Christ. Scripture is God's gift to us to reveal him to us more and more of his attributes as we read. For those who read this post I pray that it leads you repentance and worship of our Mighty God.
Sola Deo Gloria
Brian Kingston
The other side of this is that he is faithful in carrying out the judgment of his wrath on his adversaries, which should also lead us to worship for it shows us he is a just God.
So for us as readers of this text as believers this should lead us to repentance and worship of our God. we need to understand that Christ is the refuge of God, our belief in and relationship with Christ is difference between us and non-believers. when we are in Christ's Righteousness is what frees us from the wrath of God.
For the non-believers it should also lead to repentance for apart from Christ he is exposed to the wrath of God which leads to destruction. The same faithfulness he has to his children he has the same faithfulness in carrying out his judgment on his adversaries. It is important that we define who his adversaries are, they are anyone who does not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ which exposes them to the wrath of God.
So for me this text leads me to repentance, and worship of my Good, Faithful, Just King My Lord Jesus Christ. Scripture is God's gift to us to reveal him to us more and more of his attributes as we read. For those who read this post I pray that it leads you repentance and worship of our Mighty God.
Sola Deo Gloria
Brian Kingston
21 August 2013
Letting the Lion out of the Cage
Hey everybody! This is Brian and I am going to start putting a biweekly post titled "Letting the Lion out of the cage". This will be a post talking about what scripture says about God's character or namely his attributes that show us his character and purpose for us as his creation. This title comes from a quote from the sermon "The Lover of God's Law Filled with Peace" by Charles Hadden Spurgeon
"The Word of God can take care of itself, and will do so if we preach it, and cease defending it. See you that lion. They have caged him for his preservation; shut him up behind iron bars to secure him from his foes! See how a band of armed men have gathered together to protect the lion. What a clatter they make with their swords and spears! These mighty men are intent upon defending a lion. O fools, and slow of heart! Open that door! Let the lord of the forest come forth free. Who will dare to encounter him? What does he want with your guardian care? Let the pure gospel go forth in all its lion-like majesty, and it will soon clear its own way and ease itself of its adversaries."ve
So my prayer for you all as you read these post is that the gospel will be unleashed on your life as we learn together more and more of this Great King and Lord we serve.
Soli Deo Gloria
Brian Kingston
"The Word of God can take care of itself, and will do so if we preach it, and cease defending it. See you that lion. They have caged him for his preservation; shut him up behind iron bars to secure him from his foes! See how a band of armed men have gathered together to protect the lion. What a clatter they make with their swords and spears! These mighty men are intent upon defending a lion. O fools, and slow of heart! Open that door! Let the lord of the forest come forth free. Who will dare to encounter him? What does he want with your guardian care? Let the pure gospel go forth in all its lion-like majesty, and it will soon clear its own way and ease itself of its adversaries."ve
So my prayer for you all as you read these post is that the gospel will be unleashed on your life as we learn together more and more of this Great King and Lord we serve.
Soli Deo Gloria
Brian Kingston
05 April 2013
Lessons from the work
This past week Brian and I had a woman and her five children stay with us. The mom had plans, but needed a helping hand until she could make them happen. Many people would say that she was a bad parent because she had left herself and her children without a place to stay for an entire week, but she isn't. We all need that hand up sometimes. We make bad choices or life knocks us down, but a lot of us will never admit to the help we so desperately need. This mom was humble enough to ask for help when she needed it. She told me the day before she left, "I'm not the mom I wanna be, but I'm working on it." To me, this is what we are all doing, working on being better within our lives as Christ would see fit. I think that I learned a great lesson in this week, and it will surprise many of you. It is that when you think you are being the biggest blessing to someone else, that God uses the situation or the people in it to teach you. I learn so much from this mother and her children, but more than that, I learned just how much I have to how much I need.
This video is what our room looked like the entire week. We had to empty the closet and clean out the spare room to accommodate all these people. This mess frustrated me and challenged my slightly OCD organizational side all week. As I struggled to gain control of my indignation because I was living in a one bedroom apartment for a week, I realized that though we say everything we have is God's, we don't always mean it deep down. This week I had to give my home back to God. I needed to struggle through the fatigue, financial worry, and self-righteousness in order to see that no matter the sacrifice on my part it will never compare with that of God's. On Easter Sunday, we remember that sacrifice, and it should humble us and create a burning desire within our hearts to do His work.
Sometimes we are called to be inconvenienced for the sake of the Gospel!
Learning to do His work,
05 March 2013
Are you working?
Brian and I have been working at City of Hope Outreach (CoHO) for about a year now. We have had a lot of adventures, but none that I was so prepared for as the latest ministry started by one of the girls that Brian had in a youth group back in his "single" days. (; we don't talk about those dark days! LOL) Andrea decided that the teen girls in the community that we work in (Oakwood Village) needed Godly women to mentor them. She felt God was calling her to organize this and she is always incredibly faithful in her work.
We had a girl's retreat to kick off these amazing mentor relationships. We went to a place out in the sticks :) called Glenhaven Youth Ranch. It helps teens that are troubled and they allowed us to us their bunk house for free. They are an amazing ministry...check them out at
At this ranch, the girls and their mentors learned about God's beauty that he has given them and how that differs from the world's ideas of beauty.
One of the speakers put it like this... Godly Beauty never goes out of style, but worldly "coolness" changes all the time.
Although the speakers were wonderful and the girls seemed to enjoy them, the goal of the retreat was to get the girls together with their mentors to form a relationship. It went great. They did crafts and had Bible application times that the mentors got to know their girls in a whole new way.
The event was a success and all of the relationships are off to a great start.
For your consideration today, Who are you influencing? We all have people that are around us that encouragement. Use those gifts that God has given you and really pour into someone else's life.
Working for Christ,
We had a girl's retreat to kick off these amazing mentor relationships. We went to a place out in the sticks :) called Glenhaven Youth Ranch. It helps teens that are troubled and they allowed us to us their bunk house for free. They are an amazing ministry...check them out at
At this ranch, the girls and their mentors learned about God's beauty that he has given them and how that differs from the world's ideas of beauty.
One of the speakers put it like this... Godly Beauty never goes out of style, but worldly "coolness" changes all the time.
Although the speakers were wonderful and the girls seemed to enjoy them, the goal of the retreat was to get the girls together with their mentors to form a relationship. It went great. They did crafts and had Bible application times that the mentors got to know their girls in a whole new way.
The event was a success and all of the relationships are off to a great start.
For your consideration today, Who are you influencing? We all have people that are around us that encouragement. Use those gifts that God has given you and really pour into someone else's life.
Working for Christ,
06 February 2013
Time flies...
I know it again has been forever since my last post but things around here have been nuts. I will tell you about everything, but it's going to take a minute! So instead of putting it all in one really long post, I will try to catch you up over the next few posts.
First, I have to tell you how much God has been working on me in so many areas of my life. He has presented opportunity after opportunity that challenges me in ways I never thought possible. Life has taken so many turns in the last six years. From military to school to married life, God's plan has never made sense until after I have walked through each open door He placed in front of me.
Can't wait to tell you all about them!
Keep reading,

First, I have to tell you how much God has been working on me in so many areas of my life. He has presented opportunity after opportunity that challenges me in ways I never thought possible. Life has taken so many turns in the last six years. From military to school to married life, God's plan has never made sense until after I have walked through each open door He placed in front of me.
Can't wait to tell you all about them!
Keep reading,

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