11 September 2013

Letting the Lion out of the cage - By scripture alone

This article today is driven by my readings in the Westminster shorter catechism. I was reading the second question that is posed which states: What rule has God given to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him forever? and the answer to this question is this: The word of God which is contained in the scriptures of the old and new testaments, is the only rule to direct on us how we may glorify God and enjoy him forever.

This was for me a reminder of how the Lord does not wish to keep his children in the dark about who he is and the might of his glory. We have been given 66 books of the bible which explain of his love for his creation, even when his creation has not loved him in return. As I have read the scriptures I have learned more of myself and my sin, and my hopelessness without Jesus Christ my savior. who is my comforter and my sustainer when I am weak.

 I love how in 2 Timothy 3:16 we see that all scripture is God breathed and profitable for doctrine, reproof and teaching, for instruction in righteousness. Again God calling out to his children and explaining why we have been giving these scriptures.

So my challenge to you Christian is that you take up the bible and read and be feed on the milk and meat of the scriptures that you may not become spiritually anorexic, and in need of nourishment. As Gods children will find refuge in the word of God and in nothing else. For we serve a faithful father who cares for us and he has not left us here to blindly fumble around in the darkness of this world, Just as he provided a column of smoke by day and pillar of fire by night for his chosen people Israel in the Old testament he has provided his chosen people of the new covenant with his scriptures that lead us to Jesus Christ.

So next time you find your soul weary and tired of the trials and challenges of this life open the word of life and drink deeply in the promises and warnings of our heavenly Father and rest in his word.

May God Deeply bless
Brian Kingston