15 April 2010


I have 83 days left until I go on terminal leave and 99 days left until my ETS dates. This being said, it feels like last week I had 83 day left to terminal leave and 99 days let to ETS. Time usually flies by but over the past few months it has become a turtle crawling along. I usually have so much to do that I can hardly find time to breath...I mean I cannot believe that the past three years are already gone. Between basic and AIT and Polk and deployment then back from deployment and becoming an NCO...well the time to sit with nothing to d hasn't been there. I have found that I really hate to not be busy.Don't get me wrong, I like to curl up with a good book or watch a tv show series as much as the next person. But I really miss people...my people. I miss having people to go to the gym with, having my phone beep non-stop from all the texts or phone calls. Yes, it has been a stressful, long journey through this monster we call the military, but there wouldn't be one ounce of me that has regretted any of it. I have loved and hated the whole thing. Right now I am in the deep hatred spot, where you just want to walk in and tell your boss exactly what you think of him and how you think the company is doing with some really well chosen words. But since I can't I will settle for complaining to you all and telling you all how miserble I am right now...that way tomorrow I can walk in just like I did today with a fake smile on my face telling everyone hello and biting my tongue to keep the "word vomit" at bay!

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