This is my youngest niece Kate. She's eating a brownie...about 15 minutes before supper! (sssshhhhhhh! Her mother would flip! LOL)
One of those "aunt" things you can do since ya send 'em back at the end of the day anyway! Haha
McDonalds is of course the choice of supper...which thrills mom to death yet again. Not always but there are many hours of entertainment to be had at a play place when there are happy meal toys involved!
Josiah is in this picture "ooo"ing and "ahhh"ing over all of the army trucks at Jefferson Barracks, where I drill with the reserves. The only reason my nephew thinks I am so cool is because I have army stuff! LOL I love his face when I show up with cool stuff, like an MRE fork (just a plastic one, but its army which of course means that it is way cooler than any other one!)
More than all of these fun things though, I want these children to know their aunt as someone who loves God and helps others. We might not always be out and about, having a "fun" day, but I want them to know that even in the every day drudgery chores you can have fun. I try to remind myself in my sometimes busy "adult" life that showing them adults have fun too is important. So if they want to dance around the living room in their pj's listening to the Beach Boys sing "Barbara Ann" for the 15th time, I am gonna do it with them (given I have enough breath to last that long!) because time spent is more important in the scheme of things than my "business".
I love you Kiddos! We have had some amazingly fun times together, and I know that we will have many more! I wish I could show you how much each of you mean to me, but that would be impossible! Stay close to Jesus because He is always close to you, even when I am not. All my love, Aunt Erin
DISCLAIMER: All of these event did not happen all in one day, so you other moms who read my blog need not be too upset with me!
DISCLAIMER: All of these event did not happen all in one day, so you other moms who read my blog need not be too upset with me!