25 June 2014

Hello...anyone still out there?

It has been quite a while since our last blog post. Isn't it crazy how life can get so out of control busy? I think that over the last year we have learned some lessons that will stick with us for life.

To catch you all up with where we are today, the Kingston’s have moved!!! Wait…let me back up.

First, to borrow from Paul Harvey, here is “the rest of the story”….

Brian and I are working on adopting from the state’s foster care system. We began this process last September…yes, as in 10 months ago. :0 Since then, our house has flooded because of an A/C leak (who knew that an A/C could produce enough water to ruin three bedrooms!). We got those repairs done…only to find a house that was going to accommodate the number of children we want. So we moved about 20 minutes away from Conway to a town called Mayflower…
Ahh, I can feel the light bulbs going off with just the mention of the name. Yes, Mayflower was one of the towns effected by the recent tornados in Arkansas. Brian and I were extremely blessed to have only minor damage, but God never brings us to a place for our own plans. The tornado created many opportunities to meet people because we began handing out breakfast to workers, survivors, and helpers, which many of you contributed to…thank you! Those relationships that were formed are being cultivated and Brian and I have gotten the opportunity to share the Gospel several times.
          Since the tornado, Brian and I have been working diligently on our home. I have resigned from my position at City of Hope Outreach. It was a hard decision to make. The people that we have met and the relationships that we have formed will be with us forever, but when God directs, we move, no matter how crazy those directions seem to others. We are two bathrooms and one broken window away from having our remodeling done! (We will be posting pictures soon!)

Though this process has been long and hard, God has continued to motivate us with new and unique opportunities. We will be sharing pictures and stories in the weeks to come. Check back soon!


1 comment:

  1. Yay! So excited to pull up your page and find a new post! Love Y'all!
