14 November 2014

The sippy cup

Dear Sippy cup, sitting on the counter filled with yesterdays milk,

     Some people would think you are disgusting and turn up their nose at your smell. But I am looking at you through tears of joy and crying from my hearts deepest well! Oh, sippy cup you are a welcome sight, and it is not because of what you hold. It is because of who holds you! You are only a reminder of many messes yet to come, and I cannot contain myself, thinking of them all. While often moms look longingly for counters that are clean, this mom can only look and wish that it was ok to leave you sitting there on my counter, waiting for the little one that you belong too. Though your stink will soon overtake the house, the reminder that you bring is of family and children that are so dear! I will wash you and put you in the cabinet for the 7 days that remain, until that little one come barreling through the door to find a drink one again.

Last night, we had our last supervised visit. Our children got to come to see our home for the first time. It was special and we all had a great time. This morning when I woke up to a messy kitchen with plate, forks, and cups everywhere from our dinner, I was overjoyed. I know that sounds crazy, but it is true. I looked at it for a minute of two and had to share with all of you the joy and excitement that having more than two plates to wash brought me.

Next week, we have our first weekend visit. We pick up the children Friday night and then return them on Sunday afternoon! It is only 7 days away, but that seems like forever right now! We will let you know how it all goes!

PS~ Moms out there, please don't condemn me for my excitement. I know that it won't always feel this way, but after you have been trying for 3 years to bring children in your home, it is the little things that bring joy!


  1. This is so true. Children are a blessing and that is often forgotten. I cried as I read this. My heart swells with pride and joy for you.

    Love ya sis! Amanda

  2. What a blessing. Thank you for this post as I know it was written to share your joy, and that I am, it is also reminds me that my house is already full of such love. I am already blessed to have an abundance of sippy cups and I am sad to say its been far too long since I rejoiced about any one of those dishes. Thank you for this reminder and God bless your journey and those adorable little feet that will soon trample dirt all over your floors for years to come!! :)

    Amy Matthews
