19 October 2012


I am not the most politically minded, but I do feel like I should know what I am going to be punching on my ballot in November before I walk in the door to do so.
This year Brian had the opportunity to go to a political breakfast, hosted by one of our candidates for senate, Jason Rapert. During this event, Brian was given a lot of information, but one of the best was a newspaper that showed every candidate for the house and senate seats. They had given all the major issues that are most important to the people of America, such as abortion, homeschooling, and marriage. All of this information came from the Family Council. They give the web address, www.arkansasvotersguide.com, as a means for getting more information on the candidates. I know that a lot of my readers aren’t from Arkansas, but this might be a good place to start finding information for your state and your candidate.

A quote from the Family Council says, “Bad politicians are elected by good people who don’t vote.”, but I would go further and say that bad politicians are elected by good people who don’t educate themselves before they vote. November 6th is coming up and we don’t just need to be praying about the election, but studying and researching the issues and candidates that will be on the ballot.

Here are a few more sites to help:

For those without TV, CNN has the debates online: http://www.cnn.com/election/2012/debates/first-presidential-debate

Family council: http://www.familycouncil.org/

Just a reminder! :)



  1. Thanks for the links! I need to do some serious research before election day gets here.

  2. This is a subject that I am passionate about. Everyone should educate themselves and then vote. Don't just not vote because you don't know the issues. rrrrr! Makes me crazy!
