An "Aunt Erin" night
Last night I was watching my nieces and nephew when my oldest niece tells my sister that they were having an "Aunt Erin" night. So I thought I would let you all see what an Aunt Erin night entails.
First, of course, we need a play place and what better place to find that than Mickey D's! So Happy meals all around...chicken for some, hamburgers for others.
We aso need some down time after all that playing, so movie is next. (Don't ask how long it takes to pick one out that everyone agrees on.)
Ice cream (or slushi for some) goes great with movies, and, of course, everyone has a different favorite flavor! So we went pint size and everyone was happy!
They are still talking about that night!!! And it's a good thing you took them "out". It looks like it will still be awhile before we can get the van out!!!