10 February 2011

A look in my window...

*watching Criminal Minds...a great show that is so nail biting (when you haven't seen every episode four times!)

*looking out my window at all the snow...thinking of my sister hates white!
*homework (and my blog) open on my computer's desktop...guess which one is getting more attention!

*in my kitchen, are a whole bunch of dishes! But hey, nobody's coming over...right? I mean, I could do them...just let me know! :)

*the house is actually fairly picked up. A puppy has that effect on a house. What a great motivator...pick it up or chew it up!

*on my mind, there are three children who have burdened my heart after our sessions today.

*thinking I love facebook for the connection it gives me with my battle buddies down range (God bless you all!)

*wishing that I had been able to spend more time with my family today.

*hating that I have to take a dog outside every hour so that she doesn't ruin this carpet!

*laughing at the stupidity of the comercials on TV and of course the battle buddy I am chatting with on Facebook (battle buddies are always there when ya need 'em!)

Yeah, that about sums up the last few minutes. I am like the Missouri weather though, wait five minutes and it might change!

1 comment:

  1. Come on out when you can spare time! We'll be here all weekend!
