06 February 2012


Ok so we have been packing and preparing for our move.

This process is nuts and you think that as you take things and put them in boxes my house would get more organized...NOT!

We cleaned out the attic and since the stuff in there had been slept on by racoons (yes we have racoons in our attic) and mice, I felt the need to wash the bedding and clothing before I packed it. This also helped me see what we were keeping and what we were going to get rid of.

This is the mess that it created!

Now Mom, before you panic and jump in the car to drive seven hours and "fix" me...I should update you on my progress! LOL

So drop the keys, and relax....its folded and maybe will be put away (or worn) from here!

Hope everyone else is having a productive type day too!


  1. Whoa, that's a lot of folding! Good job getting all that done. I would imagine that took some time! I hope you have room for everything... It did get put away, didn't it?
