These mountains were beautiful. They had legends and stories attached to many of them. To be honest they reminded me a lot of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. The colors and the size of the mountains make them very close in comparison to the Rocky Mountains.
I liked all of the attractions that they had for tourist there. There was a skywalk that had a glass bottom. It took you across a gorge allowing you to see everything from a great vantage point. As it pulls across the gorge, there is a guide pointing out a lot of the sights that you can see.
After the skywalk, we took the world’s steepest tram down the mountain. To get into the cars of this tram, you have to squat down then step in and sit. You are caged in on all sides, but the one that you climbed into the car on. There is no seat beat only a bar to rest your feet on. About a minute after you start, you realize that they didn’t put that bar there to rest your feet on. You have to stand on that bar to hold yourself up. The tram flies at a parallel angle down the side of the mountain with you practically standing within the cage to stay up right.
Once you make it down the mountain, you are in the Australian rainforest. The air is crisp and clean. Beautiful doesn’t describe the amazement that is felt by what you see around you. The trees are all enormous and you can’t take a step without seeing something that you just have to look at. There are trails that weave around inside of this forest. They have signs up pointing out a lot of old mining equipment that is lying on the side of the mountain. With the signs, they have left up a miner’s cabin so that you can see what most of them lived like back then. The rainforest trail ends at the platform for the cable car that takes you back to the top of the mountain.
Termite Nest!
Part of the 900 steps we decided to walk down, only to realize that we had to go right back up!
It was great to be out of the city and back in nature, a different nature than here at home. Though it was a two hour train ride, it was well worth it.
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