11 August 2011


Over the last few day, I have started to learn a couple of lessons. Most of which, I have been taught many times before, but I seem to forget.

These lessons are on the power of prayer. To be honest, I would love to say that during my last bout with my medical craziness that I have felt all of the prayers that I know are being offered up on my behalf. The lesson I have learned is about my prayers.

I was sitting in the emergency room pleading with God to help me in my pain that seemed to be increasing by the second. I paused for nothing other than the intensity of a pain shooting through my head. When I did, I heard a slight gasp from the bed on the other side of the curtain. What I hadn't realized in all of my groaning and crying out to God was that another person had entered the ER and was in just as much pain as I. I was taken back and humbled at the fact that I had Jesus to get me through this horrible situation that I was by myself in, yet the person in the next bed might not.

Not at all of myself, I began praying for the people around me that I could hear in pain. As I did, I felt it. Not the prayers of others washing over me, but the peace in knowing that Jesus was there and working. I found in my most desperate situation that the less I concentrated on myself and my pain, the less I felt hopeless and paniced. The more I offered up prayers for others that were hurting, the more I felt comforted and held in the arms of my Lord.

This is a continual lesson for me and one that I am sure to have to learn time and time again. I wouldn't have chosen to go through the situation that I did, but without it I would never have learned the invaluable lesson of setting yourself aside and utilizing precious pray for others.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18:
16Rejoice evermore.
17Pray without ceasing.
18In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

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