That is what Brian says that I should blog about today. Since it has been rainy here for over a week now, we are both feeling a little of that spring "blues". There are some everyday life things that are happening in our family. Some are fun and some are a little discouraging. Others bring a little fear or apprehension because of lack of knowing how they will turn out. are the latest and greatest developments on our journey.
~We are about (hopefully) to close on a home of our very own. It is on a huge lake and has a great fenced in yard for our dogs. All we are waiting on is the loan to go through. It is at underwriting and we should hear something today!!! YAY!
~I am about to go back to school. Classes start on February 6th. I am taking 12 hours for the semester, but two of my classes are only 8 weeks so I will only have three classes at a time. I think this will be perfect and hope that I will be able to work around my disability this way.
~We are still looking for a church home. We have found several interesting and lovable church families, but God hasn't given his stamp of approval on any of them yet. So we are just trusting and trying to enjoy the variety that we get to experience!
~I have been able to find insurance that accepts pre-existing conditions. It is expensive, but I can now (after two years of looking) see a civilian doctor! This is one of the biggest blessing and takes away a huge concern. Since we are on medical I will just add that I have been doing good. Still the usual symptoms, but they have calmed down a bit for now to only one or two a week instead of everyday.
~Brian's job is busy and he works interesting hours. It is going well though, and we feel blessed that he has it. He has also been looking at a non-profit organization for us to start helping out with. They have several different kinds of ministries (but that's a different post).
I think those are all the happenings for now. Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on life.
This blog is about the wanderings of everyday life for a family as they wonder at their Savior's grace, love, and blessings.
27 January 2012
23 January 2012
Well, I think it is sweetness. It wasn't a bad day. It wasn't a day I needed a pick me up. My husband being the sweet man he is just decided to get me flowers to brighten up our house on a rainy day. I thought they were incredibly beautiful and wanted to share the beauty with you!
21 January 2012
Some wedding...
I know it is long overdue! So without further adue, here are some of my favorites from our wedding.
I think that this is one of my favorite pictures. Besides the fact that my hand looks so pretty and feminine (which they aren't!), I love the reminder of the rings. The forever symbol of a never-ending circle reminds me of the commitment that has been made between Brian and I. Not that it is always easy or that the fun never ends, but a commitment that no matter what comes our way we handle it together.
Most of my family was able to come down and stay the weekend for the wedding. It was great to have all of them there.
My childhood friends and sisters!
Life is amazing, and so unpredictable sometimes.
19 January 2012
Since I have no children and my husband is at work during the day, I have this need for noise in my house at this stage in my life. It helps with all the alone time and the boredom of doing the dishes staring at the wall. I have tried music and television, but the best noise I have found is my dogs. I got Azlan, when she was three months old. She has grown a lot and has become a great dog. Don't get me wrong she still needs more training, but she is well on her way.
The picture on the left is Azlan when I first got her.
The right is a picture of Azlan now...not much has changed.
Brian had a dog when we got married, so I now have another "day-time" companion. His name is Leo and he is quite a bit more "mature" than Azlan. Well, sometimes!
These two are constantly together and love playing, running, and walking. Azlan gets on Leo's nerves I think...Azlan will take Leo's toys and then Leo
will chase Azlan around and around the kitchen
table and living room to get the toy back. They
provide much laughter and many smiles...some
frustration too.
So now ya see my day...or at least how it sounds! Hoping you all are having a great, noisey day too!
18 January 2012

it is so strange. a lot of times we think that when we become an adult we arrive at a place where we know everything. so not true! since "becoming" an adult, i think i have learned more than i did all through my educational years.
as i continue to learn, i continually realize that learning is one of the biggest blessings God has given us. because of this realization, i have become aware of the astronomical number of people that have helped me learn over my life time.
so here's to all of you, who have taught, prompted, and even sometimes dragged me through lessons in my life. without all those lessons, i wouldn't be where i am today. so thank you to all of you who have been there with me.
14 January 2012
Long Time
So it's been a long time I know, but I find myself in the January blues mode. I am unmotivated and so therefore would rather take a break in with a book than get all my work done. But life is going on!
We are in full house contract mode. Which means we have every paper record we have ever kept out for review and refiling! The table to a mess and it stays that way because I refuse to clean it up then have to redo work the next day.
We should be closing on February 13th if everything goes through with the contract. We are super excited and yes a little nervous too!
Here is the link if ya wanna take a look at "almost" our new home!
Brian lived here during college for awhile with a friend, which is how we found out that it was on the market. We were able to talk them into backing off the price and are so glad that we did.
I have found that living by faith doesn't always mean living without fear. I am not ejoying signing a contract that puts me into thousands of dollars in debt, but I know that this is where God wants me right now so I follow where he leads and let him do the worrying.
Again, sorry it took so long to write. Hoping to get into a rythme here soon! Thanks for reading!
We are in full house contract mode. Which means we have every paper record we have ever kept out for review and refiling! The table to a mess and it stays that way because I refuse to clean it up then have to redo work the next day.
We should be closing on February 13th if everything goes through with the contract. We are super excited and yes a little nervous too!
Here is the link if ya wanna take a look at "almost" our new home!
Brian lived here during college for awhile with a friend, which is how we found out that it was on the market. We were able to talk them into backing off the price and are so glad that we did.
I have found that living by faith doesn't always mean living without fear. I am not ejoying signing a contract that puts me into thousands of dollars in debt, but I know that this is where God wants me right now so I follow where he leads and let him do the worrying.
Again, sorry it took so long to write. Hoping to get into a rythme here soon! Thanks for reading!
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