21 January 2012

Some wedding...

I know it is long overdue! So without further adue, here are some of my favorites from our wedding.

I think that this is one of my favorite pictures. Besides the fact that my hand looks so pretty and feminine (which they aren't!), I love the reminder of the rings. The forever symbol of a never-ending circle reminds me of the commitment that has been made between Brian and I. Not that it is always easy or that the fun never ends, but a commitment that no matter what comes our way we handle it together.

 Most of my family was able to come down and stay the weekend for the wedding. It was great to have all of them there.

This is one of my favorite pictures with me and my mom...showing our silly side, which is our best side!   
Brian's father died when Brian was 16. He was a major part of Brian's life and we wanted to honor him and his love for Brian. So here's how we did it...
My childhood friends and sisters!
 Life is amazing, and so unpredictable sometimes.

What God has in-store for His children, no one can imagine or fathom. He gives immense blessings, even though we don't deserve them. It has made me pause so many times. Brian and I both really, can't believe that we are here. We constantly say to ourselves, "Did you ever think three months ago that we would be here? Married?" LOL God has very strange ways of working in and through our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some great wedding pictures!! HA! Love you!!
