18 January 2012


over the last few months, as anyone who is married will confirm, brian and i have been doing a lot of learning. we have learned about each other and our little quirks. we are slowly learning how to communicate and the importance of communicating continuously. we keep learning what it looks like to put our marriage first in our schedule and then add in time with our friends and family. we are learning how to trust God with our decisions.

it is so strange. a lot of times we think that when we become an adult we arrive at a place where we know everything. so not true! since "becoming" an adult, i think i have learned more than i did all through my educational years.

as i continue to learn, i continually realize that learning is one of the biggest blessings God has given us. because of this realization, i have become aware of the astronomical number of people that have helped me learn over my life time.

so here's to all of you, who have taught, prompted, and even sometimes dragged me through lessons in my life. without all those lessons, i wouldn't be where i am today. so thank you to all of you who have been there with me.

1 comment:

  1. Such a true post!! Always there for you even if I am now 7hrs away!!
