This blog is about the wanderings of everyday life for a family as they wonder at their Savior's grace, love, and blessings.
26 October 2010
That's what it is according to Kate! She loves orange sosa out of her own bottle! Sorry that it is sideways, but I can't figure out how to turn it! LOL
By about 9 o'clock, we had gone through soda, ice cream, candy, and (of course I fed them dinner!) taco bell! hehe
So when I suggested that we start heading to bed, they were no where near ready. I stuck them all in the bath tub, yes all four! I did this because they all wanted to sleep in the bedroom. So I had to move my futon and a chair into the bedroom so that we had enough room. One on the couch, one in the chair, and three on the bed...good thing I got a queen!
I am having some problems uploading the videos, but I will try to post them again.
19 October 2010
I wouldn't want to go back to active duty. I was ready to go, but that doesn't mean that the bond to those people is broken. So as they are going through their first days of deployment, I am here...a civilian...wishing with all my might that they have everything they need to get through. To all my 94th buddies, you all have grown and matured so much in your short time with the unit. No one could be prouder of how you all have pulled together. Take care of each other and bring everyone home.
18 October 2010
So I have now been voting for a whole eight years now...I know, I know that's not long, but I have to share my frustration. I love voting. It is like the core essence of freedom, being able to choose who controls the country while we are all living the dream. Ok, so it sounds a little corny, but hey, that's me.
Back to my frustration...most of you probably thought that I would say something about people not voting. Nope, that annoys me, but hey, it's part of our freedom. My frustration is not being able to find out all the issues on a ballot and who is running for what and what they stand for. You know this is quite annoying.
Here's my fix for this election. I have gotten the ballot off of the following link
now this is only for Franklin County, but you should be able to get onto any county web site and look up the ballot for your area.
Now you can be informed and vote...two of our great freedoms in this country.
Back to my frustration...most of you probably thought that I would say something about people not voting. Nope, that annoys me, but hey, it's part of our freedom. My frustration is not being able to find out all the issues on a ballot and who is running for what and what they stand for. You know this is quite annoying.
Here's my fix for this election. I have gotten the ballot off of the following link
now this is only for Franklin County, but you should be able to get onto any county web site and look up the ballot for your area.
Now you can be informed and vote...two of our great freedoms in this country.
14 October 2010
Too much...
I have done some thinking over the past few days and had some revelations...that really shouldn't have taken me so long to see.
Leaving the military has been very...ummm...interesting. {haha to say the least}. For anyone who hasn't done it before, it is a little like high school graduation. You wait and wait, dreaming of the day that it happens and then when it is realize just how much you miss it. Oh, you remember the bad days, at least I do. People always ask if I would go back in...NO WAY! I remember the stress and strain of never being able to come home or sleep (kidding, well sorta! haha) But being a part of something so much bigger than all of just an amazing feeling. On the flip side of that, the absence of belonging to such a life changing organization leaves you at a loss for how life is supposed to be or happen.
With this loss, I have been "living". Going through the motions of moving on...starting college right away, job searching, moving into my apartment. All things that have been great and ways to move on with life. The problem is that when you are going through the motions, you aren't truly living!
Life is too much. Sometimes that is bad...too much pain, too much heartache, too much struggle. But then there is that time when it just too much and those tears of joy come. Too much love, too much laughter, too With this in mind, I began thinking about what I am doing. Right now I go to school full time and the GI Bill pays my housing expenses. I don't have to work, but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't. I have too much to give not to use my extra time to help others.
So here is my your life too much? My challenge...use your too much - the bad to encourage others, the good to help others - and you will find that God takes the too much and turns it into just enough.
Leaving the military has been very...ummm...interesting. {haha to say the least}. For anyone who hasn't done it before, it is a little like high school graduation. You wait and wait, dreaming of the day that it happens and then when it is realize just how much you miss it. Oh, you remember the bad days, at least I do. People always ask if I would go back in...NO WAY! I remember the stress and strain of never being able to come home or sleep (kidding, well sorta! haha) But being a part of something so much bigger than all of just an amazing feeling. On the flip side of that, the absence of belonging to such a life changing organization leaves you at a loss for how life is supposed to be or happen.
With this loss, I have been "living". Going through the motions of moving on...starting college right away, job searching, moving into my apartment. All things that have been great and ways to move on with life. The problem is that when you are going through the motions, you aren't truly living!
Life is too much. Sometimes that is bad...too much pain, too much heartache, too much struggle. But then there is that time when it just too much and those tears of joy come. Too much love, too much laughter, too With this in mind, I began thinking about what I am doing. Right now I go to school full time and the GI Bill pays my housing expenses. I don't have to work, but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't. I have too much to give not to use my extra time to help others.
So here is my your life too much? My challenge...use your too much - the bad to encourage others, the good to help others - and you will find that God takes the too much and turns it into just enough.
12 October 2010
The VA
You know there is nothing that makes me miss the army less than the VA. Long lines, slow doctors, and very bad directions, all make for a day of pain! So on a day like today, when I have an appointment at the VA, I find it very hard to be in a good mood. :{
So I think that I need a joke....
Adam was talking to God one day, and asked, "why did you make Eve so pretty?"
God replied, "So you would love her".
Adam then asked, "why did you make her such a good cook?".
God replied, "So that you would love her".
Adam asked, "Why does she have such a heavenly smile?".
God said "So you would love her".
Finally, Adam asked "Why did you make her so dumb?"
God replied, "So that she would love you!".
LIVE! LAUGH! LOVE! Have a great day!
So I think that I need a joke....
Adam was talking to God one day, and asked, "why did you make Eve so pretty?"
God replied, "So you would love her".
Adam then asked, "why did you make her such a good cook?".
God replied, "So that you would love her".
Adam asked, "Why does she have such a heavenly smile?".
God said "So you would love her".
Finally, Adam asked "Why did you make her so dumb?"
God replied, "So that she would love you!".
LIVE! LAUGH! LOVE! Have a great day!
11 October 2010
...on my table - school stuff...pens, pencil, printer, papers, study guides, flash cards, binders, books, computer....need I go on? LOL my kitchen - COFFEE!!!! My favorite part of being out of the military is having morning coffee. It never really went well with PT...yuck. Anyway, back to my kitchen, ummm oh I have choc. chip cookies in the fridge waiting to bake.
...on my "to do" list - You know those cookies in the fridge...yeah...those need to be baked, packed up, and shipped to SPC Calloway who has been begging (yes, Calloway, you have been begging) for some cookies since he deployed to Iraq four months ago. Oh and I have an appointment today to get my knee checked out...the joys of military wear and tear. my closet - Just wearing jeans and t-shirt today...figure school and dr appointment doesn't warrent anything more! Plus...flip flops!!!! Getting my fill before winter comes and I have to pack them away for socks :{ my Bible - John 4:6 "...and Jesus tired as he was from the journey, sat down..." Ok, so I know that this little portion of a passage isn't really great, and some might say that it is just details and there is nothing to learn there. Here's what I see though...I see a man. Someone who has been going strong and hard, who is human. A man who needs rest. The world's demands have beaten hard on him and he just needed a break. So he sat down, not giving up, but taking time to get refreshed before continuing his journey. It shows me that it is ok to be a little tired, to have to sit down and take a break before jumping back into the journey. It tells's ok...and I love that God can reach down, put his hand on my shoulder, and without saying a word give me that comfort of knowing. So know's ok. my house - I have the windows open, fans going! I love this weather! Beautiful.
...what I am listening to - well right now the news :[ I have to watch it for school, but after I am done...gonna turn on JOY FM to get my fix before school. And of course the birds outside because the windows are open...then there is always the occasional car starting or person yelling...hehe the joys of living in an apartment complex.
Hope you all are having a great day. Let me know what you are up to! my kitchen - COFFEE!!!! My favorite part of being out of the military is having morning coffee. It never really went well with PT...yuck. Anyway, back to my kitchen, ummm oh I have choc. chip cookies in the fridge waiting to bake.
...on my "to do" list - You know those cookies in the fridge...yeah...those need to be baked, packed up, and shipped to SPC Calloway who has been begging (yes, Calloway, you have been begging) for some cookies since he deployed to Iraq four months ago. Oh and I have an appointment today to get my knee checked out...the joys of military wear and tear. my closet - Just wearing jeans and t-shirt today...figure school and dr appointment doesn't warrent anything more! Plus...flip flops!!!! Getting my fill before winter comes and I have to pack them away for socks :{ my Bible - John 4:6 "...and Jesus tired as he was from the journey, sat down..." Ok, so I know that this little portion of a passage isn't really great, and some might say that it is just details and there is nothing to learn there. Here's what I see though...I see a man. Someone who has been going strong and hard, who is human. A man who needs rest. The world's demands have beaten hard on him and he just needed a break. So he sat down, not giving up, but taking time to get refreshed before continuing his journey. It shows me that it is ok to be a little tired, to have to sit down and take a break before jumping back into the journey. It tells's ok...and I love that God can reach down, put his hand on my shoulder, and without saying a word give me that comfort of knowing. So know's ok. my house - I have the windows open, fans going! I love this weather! Beautiful.
...what I am listening to - well right now the news :[ I have to watch it for school, but after I am done...gonna turn on JOY FM to get my fix before school. And of course the birds outside because the windows are open...then there is always the occasional car starting or person yelling...hehe the joys of living in an apartment complex.
Hope you all are having a great day. Let me know what you are up to!
03 October 2010
Ok Ok Ok
Here is my first post in like forever...according to most of my readers. I have moved into my new apartment. It only takes thirteen minutes to get to school, which is really exciting! Speaking of school, it keeps me very busy and sometimes more stressed than I should let it, but overall, it is good. Since moving, I am obviously trying to get settled and make this place least for the next two years or so. I am decorating (no laughing, I can be very domestic when I want to be : P ) and loving the space that I haven't had for many years now.
I do have a dilemma though. I am now trying to decided the best way to get to know my neighbors. So if you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them.
I do have a dilemma though. I am now trying to decided the best way to get to know my neighbors. So if you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them.
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