14 October 2010

Too much...

I have done some thinking over the past few days and had some revelations...that really shouldn't have taken me so long to see.

     Leaving the military has been very...ummm...interesting. {haha to say the least}. For anyone who hasn't done it before, it is a little like high school graduation. You wait and wait, dreaming of the day that it happens and then when it is over...you realize just how much you miss it. Oh, you remember the bad days, at least I do. People always ask if I would go back in...NO WAY! I remember the stress and strain of never being able to come home or sleep (kidding, well sorta! haha) But being a part of something so much bigger than all of us...is just an amazing feeling. On the flip side of that, the absence of belonging to such a life changing organization leaves you at a loss for how life is supposed to be or happen.
     With this loss, I have been "living". Going through the motions of moving on...starting college right away, job searching, moving into my apartment. All things that have been great and ways to move on with life. The problem is that when you are going through the motions, you aren't truly living!
     Life is too much. Sometimes that is bad...too much pain, too much heartache, too much struggle. But then there is that time when it just too much and those tears of joy come. Too much love, too much laughter, too much....life. With this in mind, I began thinking about what I am doing. Right now I go to school full time and the GI Bill pays my housing expenses. I don't have to work, but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't. I have too much to give not to use my extra time to help others.
     So here is my question...is your life too much? My challenge...use your too much - the bad to encourage others, the good to help others - and you will find that God takes the too much and turns it into just enough.

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