02 January 2010

The Field...with a twist.

Most of the time when we go to the field here in Louisiana, we encounter heat, rain, humidity, or all of the above. But this past field exercise, we all experienced something a little different.

Yes that is snow!
The only other time that I have had to work with snow in the Army was (if you can believe it) Iraq. I'll prove it...keep scrolling down.

So this might not prove that it is Iraq, but CPT Watkins could tell you that it was. It was the first snow for them in over 40 years. Most had never seen snow before. The snow made the country seem almost normal, but it didn't last more than an hour or two. Once melted it became a mud puddle all around. Yes, I mean one big mud puddle. Here I will show you:

This is an MRAP...an uparmored military vehicle. You would think that it being the desert water would just disappear as soon as it hit the sand, but nope, it would stay around for weeks making life miserable! Oh, the joys of deployment!

Anyway, back to the present, ummmm...where were we? Oh, yes, the field. Well, I would love to show you great pictures of all the hardwork my soldiers did, but we were so busy working that we didn't get to take any pictures. However, they deserve credit for their never wavering effort to complete the mission.

PFC Mitchell, PFC Ferrick, SPC Meyer
Thank you for all of your hardwork. Ya'll are always there to turn your back, hang your head, or pretending to work on a very important project when I finally figure out that I have messed up!

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