31 January 2010

Latest and Greatest

This update isn't going to tell you much more than you don't already know. I have been having two therapy (which I think I have spelled every way but the correct way, much to my mother's dismay, since I started using the word!) sessions every day for over a week now. It has helped tremendously! I started out at a 7 out of 10 on the pain scale. Since we have been working, most days the pain never get above a 3 without pain medication or anything, which is an amazing feeling you would not believe!The therapist is very pleased with this progress and believes that I will be ready to head back to Ft Polk for my follow up appointment next week. She doesn't know how much more the headaches will decrease, but believes that over time they will go away completely.
     This is both a praise and a prayer request. A praise because the progress that has been made is incredible. If you had asked me even last Sunday if I thought I would ever get to this point, I would have said no. However, now I am able to walk around without having to hold onto anything. Mom and I have been going out to stores and around post to build up my ability to walk around people without them putting me off-balance.
     It is a prayer request because as we move forward the progress has slowed. There is nothing more that can be done, except what we are doing. Now it is just waiting to see how much more it will help. So please pray that it will continue to heal the injury and that I will be patient and not rush things too much. This sitting around is driving me nuts!

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