28 January 2010

Out of the mouths of babes...

My 7 year old niece, Maggie, is one of the smartest kids I know. She is so mature and adult like for her age that she could put a lot of teenagers to shame with her reasoning skills. Just two nights ago during evening prayers, Maggie was taking her turn and she was praying for Aunt Erin. A fact that warms my heart every time I get a sneak peek into their lives through my sister's reports! She thanked God for starting to make me better and then in a moment of genious states to our loving Father, "And Jesus, now just help the doctors to finish her off!" Requesting that they finish making me all better, but asking for it in a way that most will find quite humorous. That same night I might have been praying the same thing for thearopy that day had warn me out and built up the pressure in my head to the MAX! Please God just finish me off now!

Thankfully God hears the intent of our prayers and not just the words. I am doing much better. Yesterday I was able to walk around without sitting in the wheelchair or pushing it for stability. I see improvements with each passing day. Though at times I get discouraged and wonder how long it will take to be back to normal, I am trying to remind myself daily (and sometimes by the minute) that God has brought me so far in only the two weeks that I have been here. He isn't going to leave me now!

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