25 January 2010


But before I start on this story
there are so many that I need to thank!

First being, God, whose His unwavering forgiveness continues to love me and comfort me even when I start the blaming game of, "Why me?". Jesus, you have been with me for so many of these crazy happenings that I usually look back on as wild adventures. You have never let me fall through the "cracks" even when the world has. Thank you. Continue to hold my ever wandering heart to your desired paths.

Then of course there is my family! What can I say, guys, that independant streak got me again~but ya'll were right there through phone calls, prayers, and pushing to get me where I needed to be to get the help I needed.

Friends ~ Your prayers, thoughts, meals, laundry, phone calls, plane tickets, gift cards, mail, games, books, letters.......well, I can go on but the list wouldn't stop! You all have banded together with me so much in all of this that it is overwhelming. I couldn't ask for more people to care. I thank God that He has blessed me so richly. I am truely touched by your support.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Erin, it is so good to hear that you are doing better. We all have been so worried about you but knew our prayers were being heard.
    We miss you terribly but know you are in good hands. It's cold this morning and somehow the kids & I missed the bus, so had to take them to school. Thank God I live close enough to get them their on time. We have a SS class meeting on Sat. to plan activities, etc. and have a Valentine banquet on the 12th. Wish you could be here. Our class is awesome! I can't wait each Sunday to get there to see what Paula has for us. She brings everything to life! We were given a 175 questionaire to find out our spiritual gifts. Wow, that was a lot of questions, some were hard to answer... anxious to see how my gifts have changed. Guess, I will let you go, just wanted to touch base with you and let you know I miss you and you are constantly in my prayers and thoughts. May God continue to heal you and bless you! With Love, Your Kindred Spirit Sister, Sherlyn.
