16 March 2010

Decorating brownies

Ok, so I really think that brownies never turn out...well...cute. You know they have that brownie pan that seperates the brownies as they cook, which I think was such a smart idea. But as I have established in earlier posts, I am WAY too cheap to buy it!LOL. So I have tried a couple of new things.

1. I now dump my brownies before I cut them. It helps a little with the breaking tops and crumblings.

2. I have tried to use a spatula to cut them, but I think that a really big knife would work well too.

3. I have cutened them up! (Is that a word?) Anyway, I have tried to make them something more than just plain brown.

So here they are...


  1. you are making me hungry! DO you think that making them in a muffin pan would work instead of that expensive individual pan?

  2. Oh hadn't thought of that...good idea. I just don't like the way that my brownies look after I cut them! But I hadn't thought of that, I will try that.
