24 January 2011


I thought I'd give you a glimpse into my day.

I was extremely prepared and made it out the door 15 minutes early with breakfast in my stomach! (Whoa...I think I just heard a collective gasp! LOL I know it is amazing.)

I made it to school on time though I hit 3 patches of ice on the way and had to change my route. (Oh, and de-icing my door...which wasn't really iced anyway...it was locked :})

I made it through the first class (which is an 8 o'clock one) without falling asleep.

I laughed all the way through the second....Thank you, Dr. Green, for making Statistics fun!

During my break, I had lunch with a friend...which always makes me feel a little better!

My last class was slow and long, but the walk back to the car...(its the little things in life!)..made me laugh all over again.

I made it to the gym..yeah for me...and it was packed :`{ I hate working out with lots of people around, especially when I have to do it with this crazy brace. People stare

So, now, here I am...blogging when I should be doing homework, trying to refrain from scarfing down EVERYTHING that is in the fridge, and deciding if I should just take some ibprofen and cough medicine or just the cough meds. That's been my day. Now for some relaxation and bed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the laugh about the door!! I can see you now leaning on the door laughing til your side hurt when you realized it was locked and not frozen!!!

    You have no idea how good it felt to laugh! Thanks!
