26 January 2011

We interupt this program...

I know that I promised pictures of my apartment and I still have two rooms to go. BUT...I have a post that requires participation.

I am in a statistics class this semester and I am in need of some data for a homework assignment. I you could answer this question, in  the comment section, it would greatly help me.


How many times have you been stopped by a police officer, to include times that you were in or out of your car, that you didn't get a ticket, and/or any check points (DUI road blocks, seatbelt check points)?

PS ~ Though most of you won't care, I will post the statistics that I gather, but promise not to use any names! ;}


  1. I was stopped at a check point once.
    I've been with friends or Casey I think 4 times that they've also taken my license. I don't know if that counts for your statistics.
    Oh, and my friends and I were by the river in Washington once and cops came up to us and were just talking to us. Then they asked to search our car. It was very strange.
    But I've never gotten in trouble or gotten a ticket.

  2. I have been stopped 3 times. Two times were a mistaken identity and once was because I was speeding. I'm a bad, bad, girl!
