05 February 2010

Last session

Today I walked into the TBI clinic at BAMC for (hopefully) the last time ever. My therapist is very happy with the progress I have made and thinks I am ready to head back to Ft Polk. I have to stay in contact with her for the next four months, so that she can monitor my condition and help me continue to recover.
Through this whole proccess I have been so blessed, but I will never be able to get over the impact God made on my faith when he brought my therapist into my life. She has been there every step of the way. From spending extra time with me during therapy sessions and giving me her personal numbers so that I can reach her if I need help, she couldn't have done more. As I leave this hospital, I have had so many crazy experiences and troubling aspects to my stay. But God must have known that I needed a break...because just as I was about to give up and thought I was just going to have to live with the pain, along came Mariam. She stuck with me and actually listened to what I was feeling, even better than that she believed me. Without her, I know that I wouldn't be to the spot I am in my recovery. So even though she might never see this, I want to thank her. The healing that God has facilitated through her could never be repayed.

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord for her! Glad you are feeling better.

    Just a side note, a absolutely LOVE that name. Something to file away for future use I guess.
