09 February 2010

To bad...

To bad, the days are gone that you ran around in your bare feet all summer long with friends.

To bad, Christmas only comes once a year..though after this year I personally am glad of that fact!

To bad, that babies become toddlers and toddlers big kids seemingly overnight.

To bad, camping and swimming in the river aren't "fun" enough for family vacations anymore!

To bad, family dinners are so hard to plan for everyone to make.

To bad, people think you are flipping them off when you are waving hello.

To bad, we can't think of a place and be there!

To bad, there are places that we will never see that have wonders we can never imagine!

To bad, families don't live all within a 1 mile radius anymore.

To bad, friends have to move away.

To bad, America thinks it supports it troops when in truth they threaten there well being the most.

To bad, disasters have to happen before we try to help people.

To bad, the good parts in life go too fast and the bad parts seem to DRAG on.

To bad, world peace is only a joke from beauty pagents and not a reality.

To bad, there are so many "too bad"s!

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