01 February 2010


I know that you all have been sitting on your hands waiting for some way to help me. So many of you all have asked to help and until now there hasn't been anything for you to do. There is now though. My mom and I are heading back to Ft Polk on Saturday. We don't have a place to stay from Saturday night through Wednesday night. If there is anyone who can help us with this, please let me know. We will probably be gone for most of the day hours because of appointments and errands. I don't have any particular special needs anymore. I am all the way out of the wheelchair! Ye-yah! Any help that you all can give us, would be greatly appreciate it.
Thank you all for all your prayers and support.


  1. Erin,
    I sure wish I had some extra room because I would love to open my home to you and your mom. If there is anything else I could possibly do to help, let me know.

    Teresa Williams

  2. I would welcome my house but it is a little far! It is always open though and you know that. Or you better!
